Lead Investors Academy 2022Vienna

10.-11. März 2022: Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und Wissenswertes für den erfolgreichen Start als Lead Investor:in.

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Im kleinen, exklusiven Rahmen verbringen wir zwei spannende Tage.

In direct exchange with experienced lead investors and coaches, theory is immediately put into practice and newly acquired knowledge can be applied directly.

How do you find suitable startups and co-investors? How do investment processes work? What legal steps need to be taken? How do you agree on a company valuation? and How can you support a startup in scaling and growth? … are just some of the questions we will examine and answer in a practical, interactive workshop format.

In a relaxed atmosphere you will meet potential co-investors and industry experts and expand your network with valuable contacts.

Sei dabei – Investors Academy 2021!

Programm 2021

Day 1 | March 10, 2022

8.30h_Open Doors & Coffee

9.00h_Opening and welcome address

10.00h_Introduction Lead Investing


12.00h_Pre-Investment: Selection of startups and co-investors

13.30h_Lunch Break

14.30h_Legal panorama: Syndication agreement & Co.


16.30h_Workshop: Branding and Positioning

18.00h_Review Day 1

19.30h_Reception & Dinner hosted by Wiener Börse

Day 2 | March 11, 2022

9.00h_Open Doors & Coffee

9.30h_Opening and welcome address

10.00h_Post-Investment: Strategic Growth and Scaling


12.00h_Follow-up financing and exits

13.30h_Lunch Break

14.30h_Workshop: Leadership in Lead Investment


16.30h_Knowledge Exchange

17.30h_Review Day 2


Frequently asked questions

The regular ticket price is 999,- per person. For aaia members a contingent of discounted tickets is available at a price of 799,- per person.

The ticket price includes the Academy participation fee, on-site meals, and any round-trip transportation to evening events.

Individual travel and accommodation costs are not included in the ticket price.

Each participant is individually responsible for their own accommodation. A contingent of rooms is available for booking at the Pentahotel for participants of the Lead Investors Academy.

To ensure the high quality of the Academy, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 15. Places for the Lead Investors Academy are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Eligible are investors who want to deepen their knowledge in this area as prospective and active lead investors. In addition to a strong focus on the transfer of investment-relevant knowledge, the Lead Investors Academy also provides the optimal framework for networking with like-minded people and creates potential for future investments.

The final timetable as well as the speakers will be adjusted continuously and can be found in the “Program” section.

For the event the 2G+ rule applies (vaccinated, recovered), we ask for a negative PCR test (72h). Please show your valid proof at the beginning.

Feel free to contact us at steiner@aaia.at.

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